Thursday, March 11, 2010

From Library Automation to Library 2.0...

Paul Sutherland's paper presented at VALA2010 is worth reading for anyone trying to come to terms with Web 2.0 and Library 2.0  in the international trade environmen, even although it foucuses on the experience that he has been a part of at the Christchurch (N.Z.) City Libraries.   Paul is the Digital Innovation Librarian at CCL and a frequent contributor to nzlibs.

If you were only to look at the ground rules for blogging on p.7 and the bullet-pointed strategy for Web 2.0 on p.17 it would be useful.

Here is the record from the New Zealand School of Export catalogue:

1 comment:

Graeme said...

This is the 60th post on TraLIS - it would be nice to have had 60+ comments! Looking forward to reading yoru thoughts.